360° Objects!

A new spin on selling stuff

360° Objects!

Product spinners

A new spin on selling stuff online.

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3D Object Photography

Do you sell things online? If you do, taking four photos of the front, back, left and right of your stuff is standard... but boring.

Spice up your online sales by letting your customers capture 3D objects with your DSLR camera or iPhone. We show you how.

Do you sell things online? If you do, taking four photos of the front, back, left and right of your stuff is standard... but boring.

Spice up your online sales by letting your customers capture 3D objects with your DSLR camera or iPhone. We show you how.

VPiX and Insta360 Pro

If you do not like to stitch tours with PTGUI or Pano2VR, then the Insta360 Pro is the perfect camera for you. The Insta360 Pro sports conquerable features as a DSLR with 3-frame HDR brackting. With one touch on your iPad, your panoramas will even stitch inside the camera. Simply open your panoramas in Photoshop and resize to 6k x 3k and upload in batch to your VPiX account. It's amazing and blazingly fast! Get a free demo and click the Calendly link below.

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